Thursday, November 14, 2013

No wonder we're doomed...

Lets have a simple photo comparison and analysis to show why we as a society are doomed and/or screwed up, use whichever wording you prefer.
Lady Gaga does this and we call her a artist like the world has never seen...brilliant!
Now, dear Miley Cyrus does this
and we call her troubled, a whore, disgusting and attention mongering....

I'm sorry, but what????? Granted, I could live without Miley sticking her tongue out or licking a hammer, but how are Gaga's whorish and outlandish ways called genius, yet we label Miley's just plain whorish? Double standard much?
Here's another fine example of why we're screwed..albeit without photos this time. A death row inmate in Ohio wants to donate his organs....his execution has been stayed because some dipshit bleeding heart fucktard has convinced some "higher-up" that death row inmates donating organs may cause judges and juries to order death penalties more often...Again, I'm sorry, but what???? I think death row inmates should be MANDATED to donate organs if they are in good health. Judges and juries do not order the death penalty I know the argument that it costs quadruple the money to house a death row inmate versus one serving a life sentence, but it SHOULDN'T! Schools and nursing homes should be funded fully like prisons are and prisons should be given $5,280 per inmate and the rest of the funding should have to come from donated boxtops and Target.
On a totally unrelated side note, one would think my phone and computer would start to recognize words like fucktard and dipshit and not try to turn them into words like fun turd and dips would save me a SHITLOAF of editing.
Now, let's see what else can I bitch about...oh, yes...I get having school spirit and hometown pride but to the 20-somethings still living in mommy's basement, your armchair quarterbacking and rubbing the score in is laughable...those HIGH SCHOOL KIDS on the field, are just that KIDS, so leave your name calling, f-bomb skank ass comments to many playoff games did you win sweetie? Oh, that's right, you never PLAYED. Oh that's right, you're a female who thinks first down is a drinking game. STFU and go back to your home on whore island.
Speaking of whore island..I can't WAIT for the new Anchorman movie...I can already smell the rich mahogany. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

And we act surprised?

Without a doubt there is a decline in the moral fabric of society...I am at fault and so are countless others. I mean, hello...I drop the F-bomb like no other, where as my mother still cringes when she hears another say it and I'm quite certain my mother-in-law has heart palpitations when she hears it. Its one of those "things that has changed."
Here are a few changes I noticed over the weekend, and with their acknowledgement, I wonder why we even act surprised anymore when someone does something deemed crude, shocking, disrespectful or obscene?
Now, I am by no means a prude, but I found it laughable that the ABCFAMILY channel, FAMILY channel, I said, was showing "Pretty Woman" and "Burlesque" back to back last evening. Excuse me? The FAMILY channel is showing a movie about a prostitute done good followed by singing "dancers" wearing fishnets and pasties and we wonder why clothing for young girls borders on slutty? I was taken aback by that one.
I also saw a study that said that today's PG13 movies are MORE violent than rated R movies were in the 80's. We are supposed to be surprised by that? Hello? Violence is all around us, whether it comes from video games dominated by gunfire to the 10 o'clock news to the amount of television shows that require a warning prior to viewing, we are inundated by violent images, like never before. What's interesting in the study was the juxtaposition (man I like using big words) between violence rated in movies and sex rated in movies. Violence in movies has been increasingly downplayed, to the point of getting PG-13 and even straight PG ratings, where even a brief sex scene, automatically gets you an R rating. It makes little sense to me...we would rather explain gratuitous gun violence to our 13 year olds instead of explaining sex to them? And we wonder why unstable young people see no problem with violence and acting out....I'd rather see them having too much sex.
In a society where parental involvement and responsibility is waning, should we really act surprised at anything anymore? Yes, it's true, I've snuck my teenager into rated R movies and I've purchased him adult video games, but I have also instilled in him a healthy dose of what is real and what is fiction and that there are consequences to your actions.
(sigh) I guess seeing things like Pretty Woman on the family channel is another sign that I am getting old...perhaps I'll start using the f-word less...(gee talk about fiction.)

Friday, November 8, 2013

I am as nervous

as a dog shitting tacks...AAACK...and I'm not doing anything tonight but yelling like a fool with my rowdy cheering section. So, I am going to try to blog and get my mind off of things for at least a few minutes....welcome to another edition of random thoughts.
I hate new bras...they are like new shoes, always take a week or two to get broke in.
My friend Sam is a tremendous veggie cook. Black bean and butternut squash enchiladas with homemade guac (Hey Woman, turns out I love this green shit.) It was fabulous. I think lunch date Fridays, or potluck Fridays will become a habit.
I have officially made it 7 hours in a white sweatshirt without spilling coffee, tea, enchilada sauce or fuck...way to jinx myself.
I was unaware that wing suit flying is considered a sport...I just thought it was fucking idiotic, but what do I know?
If you have a good ten minutes to kill, google Amazon Banana Cutter, some of the funniest shit you will ever read is listed in the review me, its worth it!
Oh who am I kidding, I can't concentrate on anything...GO WHEELERS!!!!!!! ROLL ON!!!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Things I will never understand...

Jello...I know what it is, I have made it many a time, i will just never understand how it actually works. (For anyone wishing to give a scientific blah, blah, blah something to do with gelatin explanation--save it.)
Society, as a whole...The CMA's poke fun at Obamacare (brilliantly-might I add) and there is outrage over such "blatant disrespect." However, any celebrity or even quasi-celebrity who poked fun and G.W. Bush, or Sarah Palin, or Michelle Bachman, and the list goes on and on is deemed genius? I don't get it...we're only supposed to think things are funny if EVERYONE thinks its funny?
People, in general...Hallmark designed an ugly sweater ornament, they placed the words 'Don we now our fun apparel' and were instantly vilified for removing the word "gay." Seriously, can we just go ahead and get the fuck over ourselves now? A. Its an ornament people, not a political statement. B. As the CEO of Hallmark pointed out, the point in wearing ugly Christmas sweaters is for the FUN of the event. and C. Did anyone ever think that perhaps Hallmark didn't want to pay copyright royalties? (Although I do think that most Christmas Carols are old enough that they are considered public domain, but I'm hazy on that.)
Pot....seriously, I don't get it....its a drug that makes you sleepy and hungry...I've never needed assistance being sleepy or hungry... EVER. In fact, I don't ever recall a time in my adult life when I haven't been tired...
Plus-sized bikinis...being a girl with a little extra junk in her--well everywhere-there are things no one wants to see and someone in a size 22 bikini is one of them.
The lyrics to the song "Informer" by Snow...seriously I don't understand a damned word of it. I mean I am 98% certain he is not singing, "I'll lick your boom-boom there" but I'll be god-damned if that's not what it sounds like he's singing. (Then again I've added phrases like "yes-around" to Black Crowes songs, so perhaps I am not the one to ask.)

Friday, November 1, 2013


There is so much to talk about today, I'm not even sure where to begin! Lets get the serious business out of the way first...
Three days, three suicides in a three county heart hurts for the loved ones left behind to pick up the pieces and to forever ask unanswered questions. I pray for comfort and peace to find them. Suicide has twice affected my family and I know how raw those wounds can be. It serves as a stark reminder to us all to love deeply, listen closely, hug harder and let the bullshit go.
Earlier this week, the internet blew up with a letter that a mom in North Dakota was going to hand out during Halloween letting some of the children trick or treating know that they were fat and they were not going to get candy. Some media outlets are now saying it was a hoax, I don't give a shit if that's the case because even as a hoax it sucks. Big time. Yes, childhood obesity is a problem in the U.S. HOWEVER having a few pieces of Halloween candy is not a contributing factor. I believe I am not alone when I say that my children will eat a few pieces of candy for a few days after Halloween (after Mom and Dad have taken all of the good shit out of the bucket) then the rest sits. Months later mom will find the remaining candy in a mouse nest under the kids' dresser. Childhood obesity, I believe, is in direct correlation to kids leading a more sedentary lifestyle, coupled with poor nutritional choices on a daily basis, not for one holiday. ANY child on ANY given day will chose pizza, chicken nuggets, ranch dressing a sugar snacks over carrot sticks and tofu. The problem continues when that is all they are offered and that doesn't have a damned thing to do with trick or treating. FURTHERMORE if you don't want to "contribute to the growing epidemic of childhood obesity" either don't participate in trick or treating or hand out stickers, don't turn into a sanctimonious, better than thou cuntbucket who wants to tell little kids that they're fat. And we wonder why there is an eating disorder epidemic with attitudes like this? I was a "thick, cornfed" kid, still am. Do you think I didn't know I was a little bigger than some of my friends? Do you think that it didn't bruise my self esteem and make me self conscious? To have a stranger, and an adult for that matter tell me, as a child, that I was fat would be devastating. I'd like to go knock this woman on her pretentious ass and then do it again when and if she got back up. Gah...this one made me seethe.
Today, it was reported that Food Stamps are taking a cut, effective today. Mass panic, mass name calling, mass political debate on who's fault it was soon followed in chatrooms and on comment sections online. First off, its false reporting, the program is not being cut. The Food Stamp program was TEMPORARILY given a boost several years ago during the recession. The TEMPORARY increase has run out. The funding is being returned to the previous levels. It amounts to a reduction of about $36 for a family of four. Now don't get me wrong, there are times were I would LOVE to have an extra $36 bucks, especially when I have about 36 CENTS to my name until next paycheck, but if you think about it, that amounts to $8 per person less, per month. I have to stay on a budget, I sometimes have to "tighten the purse strings," frankly, I'd like to say to those complaining, tough shit. Next time, don't turn down that bag of potatoes because you "don't know what to do with them." Buy the chicken legs instead of the chicken nuggets. THIS IS A SUPPLEMENTAL PROGRAM. It's not meant to cover the ENTIRE expense.
I'm not delusional enough to think that there aren't people out there who rely on this program and who sorely need it, I know that. But again, the help is meant to be temporary and assistance. It should not be your sole source of food. If you have children and you are on SNAP, chances are you also qualify for free and reduced school lunch and breakfast, so that's 10 less meals per week you have to is possible to eat cheap, you just have to plan and chose wisely. The program is not a hand out to be relied on year after year after year, especially when you use what cash you do have on big screen t.v.'s, video games and smokes. Use THAT money to make up for your $36 loss. It also burns my ass to no end to know that there are jobs out there that could help supplement a family's income, as well, but its "more beneficial" to not work and take the hand outs.
I won't even get started on the Affordable health Care Act and the debacle that was the launch of the's the tip of the iceberg folks and I have yet to see anything that tells me differently. Again, there are "parts" of the bill that needed to be put in place, namely, the elimination of pre-existing condition exclusions, but that's pretty much it, granted I haven't read the whole thing (neither has 98% of Congress, so I'm not alone) but what's starting to come to light with this law is troubling, to say the least.
It's play-off time BABY! Can we get a big HELL YEAH, for my Wheelers? Let's keep that "garage full of Wheelers" rolling! So proud of not only how they are playing, but the sportsmanship and team pride they are displaying. Even when being told by the opposing team to "Go fuck yourself" our boys are still helping the other team up off the ground and telling them, "Nice play."
And finally, I was told earlier this week that I had the "Memory of a Missouri Mule"....I think this is a good thing...I'll take it as a compliment, right or wrong...I'd rather be a mule than an ass!