its time for a will be short, sweet and to the point, don't worry, and it won't be graded. I have been asked to define some of the more colorful words I tend to use here in the Barnyard, so in the interest of teaching you all some new words to add to your daily conversation, here is my dictionary. (To help illustrate the proper use of the word, I will include it in a sentence.)
Asshat- the hipper, "more fun to use in conversation" cousin of asshole. It can be used two ways, first as a synonym for asshole, as its more fun to say. The second use is a synonym for dumbass, or someone who has their head up their ass, hence they are wearing their ass as a hat..asshat... Justin Bieber is an asshat.
Cum burping bitch- self explanatory, no definition needed... but if you aren't picking up what I'm laying down-a more colorful term for whore...Your ex is a cum burping bitch.
Dipshidiot- When dipshit and idiot just won't do... If you are over the age of 21 and have not learned the proper use of there, their and they're, or your and you're, you sir, are a dipshidiot.
Douchecanoe- Big brother of the word douche bag. It means that your douchieness is so great that it can no longer be contained by a need a canoe to tote around the amount of douche you possess if you are referred to as a douchcanoe... Kanye West is a douchecanoe.
Douchenozzle- Cousin of douche bag...we all know where the nozzle of a douche is put, so if someone is referred to as a douchenozzle, they are worse than a douchebag... Kanye West can also be described as a douchenozzle.
Fucktard- an idiot of epic proportion...hybrid of the words fucking retard (yes, I know its not PC to use the "R" word, that's why fucktard is gaining popularity)... I'm tired of all the fucktards that live on the comment sections of the internet.
Headupassitis- a medical condition in which someone suffers from repeatedly having their head up their ass... Most politicians suffer from extreme headupassitis.
Shitload- a word to describe a large number. Can also use assload or fuckload...basically it means a lot....I have a shitload of laundry to do.
Good luck, I will be listening for proper usage.
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