Monday, March 16, 2015


1. There are no "jobs hiring." There are employers hiring. There are businesses hiring. There are individuals hiring. Jobs do not hire!
2. How does one's "house totally collapse..and we lost everything" with no prior warning?
3. For the love of all things holy...Fred is NOT leaving to go coach in the NBA next year. Crawl back into your troll holes you stupid fucks. He signed a new 10 year contract in 2013. He got a $50,000 bonus for Saturday's win against Kansas, a $50,000 bonus for making the NCAA tournament, will receive a $25,000 bonus for EACH NCAA playoff win AND each May he gets a $100,000 raise. (He's making $1.7 million this year.) His parents live in Ames. His inlaws live in Ames. He's FROM Ames and oh yeah, working for the NBA??? Been there, done STFU, your mom is calling, your hot pocket is ready.
4. Let me see if I get this straight...In Missouri, I can shoot a police man in the head and get charged with assault and not attempted murder? Makes sense...(Are we fucking kidding here?)
5. All chicken and pork is "added" hormone free. ALL of it. Whether it says so on the package or not. It is against federal regulations to add additional hormones to pork or chicken. I am not saying the products are hormone fee, because both products naturally contain hormones. I am saying, the meat in the pretty packages that say "NO ADDED HORMONES" contain the same amount of hormones as the meat in the packages that DON'T say it. Its a marketing ploy geared at making you pay a little bit more for a supposed peace of mind on a subject you don't fully understand. It's kind of like that scene in Tommy Boy..."" If you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I've got the time." I whole heartedly agree with having choices when it comes to what we eat, but for the love of GOD understand WHY you are making those choices...and please, please, please, don't make them because Food Babe or Dr. Oz told you to.

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