Time for another edition of random thoughts that need purged, there is too much shit floating around in my brain.
As I've mentioned before, I have a very hard time staying off the comment section of any website, blog, Facebook post, etc. If there is a comment section I scroll through it. I continue to be amazed at the level of complete and utter fucktardedness that exists in those sections. I mean, I seriously wonder how some of these people function on a daily basis because they are so fucking stupid. About 1/3 of the people commenting haven't read the article they are commenting on, merely the headline, roughly 1/3 makes a decent contribution to the conversation and the other 1/3 are the ill informed radicals who have no fucking clue what they are talking about, but spew their shit anyway.
I read a lot of agriculture related blogs and news stories, because A. I grew up on a farm. B. I still live on a farm. C. I was a 4-H and FFA member, and my children now are, too. D. I live in Iowa. The idiots that comment on these types of blogs are second only in their rabid insanity to those who comment on the autism vs. vaccine articles. The ones that truly rile me the most are the ones who constantly say, "rich farmers", "greedy farmers" or "farmers only care about their profits."
Listen here you hairy arm pitted, Prius driving twatwaffle...while you're praying at the altar of Steve Jobs, typing on your I-Pad, listening to Adele (who by the way makes $50,000 A DAY in royalties alone) and drinking your Venti mocha latte with soy milk, remember it was a rich, greedy farmer who grew those soybeans. Look up the definition of hypocrite while I serve you a shutthefuckupcake.
Gwyneth Paltrow, could you "consciously uncouple" your head from your ass?
There are now, what 13 different countries who have had satellites spot debris that was assumed to be wrecking of flight 370, but when search crews got there, there was nothing. What the hell are these satellites seeing?
All of you freaks on Pinterest who are obsessed with Loki, Dr. Who, Harry Potter and The Disney Princesses need to move out of mommy's basement and have your fucking heads examined. You take crazy fandom to a whole new level.
Dear lady on the swap site, how in the fuck do you "accidentally buy 8 packages of Poise Towelettes"? I've accidentally bought the wrong sized shoe, or accidentally bought a shitty bottle of wine, but never have I accidentally bought EIGHT PACKAGES OF SOMETHING! How do you not notice after say the second package, that perhaps you've bought too many? P.S. Since you've had them on the site since last November, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess NO ONE WANTS THEM!
I think, perhaps, the only question more awkward than asking a woman who is not pregnant, "When are you due?" Would be, "Honey, what are your thoughts on threesomes?"
I do not understand the comeback of Pabst Blue Ribbon...I get that hipsters think its great, but I remember when the grandstand at the Iowa State Fair served ONLY PBR in a glass...There is truly nothing more foul tasting than a PBR served piss warm out of a keg.
And finally dear Barnyard Critters, "Oh we will FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT for Iowa State!"
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