^^^ This is me today...
Mexican Barbie was released by Mattel last week, as part of the Barbies of the World Collection. Instantly there was outrage. Mexican Barbie comes dressed in a classic fiesta style dress, holding a chihuahua and a passport. OH the HORROR. Each of the dolls in this collection is dressed in a traditional style and comes with a pet and a passport...are Indians throwing a fit because Indian Barbie comes with a monkey? Perhaps the Chinese are horrified that Chinese Barbie comes with a small panda? Can we all just get over ourselves and realize you are throwing a hissy fit about A DOLL!!!
In the Des Moines Register on Saturday there was a huge article about a mother throwing a gargantuan hissy fit because her 6-year-old son was not going to be allowed to be part of a "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" spa themed camp. Mama was not happy when the camp said, "Uh...it's for girls?" So she did what every mother would do...she called in the press. She claims her child saw the camp and said, "That sounds fun" and when he was denied admission he was "distraught." I am not going to get into a conversation on gender identity or gender equality or anything gender associated..THE KID IS SIX!!!! I guarantee 30 minutes after being told of the spa camp, he had probably forgotten about it and was more concerned about what Sponge Bob and Patrick were doing and whether or not his brother saw him eating a booger....not everything we do as a society has to be gender balanced and equal and the same....especially when it comes to day camps for six year olds. FFS people.
Spending two days with the family at a cattle sale and show equals unexcused absence, yet if Junior is caught with an illegal substance and is serving an out of school suspension, those absences are excused....hmmm, smoke at school--yes, help with the family business and make numerous contacts related to future job and college plans--no. Interesting, I'll try and remember that.
April 15th. It's tax day and it's snowing...if that doesn't irritate the shit out of you, nothing will.
Hubs has my car today, I have the hunting truck....
I believe children ages 9 (almost) and 16 are fully capable of bringing their dirty laundry downstairs without Mommy losing her shit. Sadly, my beliefs are wrong and I now have 12 loads of laundry in my laundry room. I also have people who do not read instructions when it comes to laundry products. (I bought some of those Downy scent booster things--smell ridiculously good) It says right on the package--do not put into the dryer. I open up the dryer and practically get shot with tiny little blue pellets because some dumbass assumed they went in the dryer and did not read the directions...those tiny, blue balls are now all over the floor of the mudroom, with the now only eight loads of laundry left to do and the collection of mud/shit covered chore clothes and shoes.(Seriously--Mommy LOVES wasting three full days organizing your rooms so they can return to shitshow status almost instantaneously. And she LOVES extra messes in the mud room because the excessive amount of mud and shit from the cattle operation does not cause enough grief...please keep it up!)
Looks like a whack job just let off explosives near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Can we set the gun control debate aside for a minute now and focus on mental health and the reason BEHIND the violence, not the VEHICLE in which whack job fucktards carry it out?....
I may need some Gold Bond to deal with all of this irritation. :)
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