Friday, June 21, 2013

Direction challenged... in West. North West. Are you fucking kidding me? No, I know this is not a joke I mean we are talking about a talentless hack masquerading as a rap star who has an ego the size of Saturn and another talentless hack whore who got famous by making naughty movies and using the (ummm how shall I put this delicately.....) exit as an entrance....

I could not let my blogger life continue without making some sort of comment on that one, now could I? Today is going to be another one of my random days...I shall make comments on a bunch of random things that are rambling through my head or that are bugging the shit out of me.

Paula Deen is a 60-some year old white woman who has lived her entire life in the south...why are any of us surprised that she has used the "N" word before? Further more, why do we care? Yeah, racism sucks, but WHY is this news???? To be quite honest, I was more disturbed by the article on MSN yesterday on celebrity baby daddies...out of the 39 different ones listed, there were probably less than 10 that were white...most of those listed were black professional who has fathered 14 children with 11 different baby mamas....go ahead call me racist, but when you continue to live a stereotype I will continue to think of you and label you as such.

New Jersey is trying make "trash-talking" during sporting events illegal....again more pussification of the current generation. So instead of some banter between the linemen, are they supposed to hug, hold hands and blow each other kisses across the line? Come on, talk about a waste of legislation and congressional time. While I contend bullying can be a serious issue, if your child is going to be permanently scarred by the trash talking received from an opponent he may never, or at the very least, only see a handful of times throughout his life, you need to cut the cord and take him out of his bubble.

I know this is hard for some people to understand, but sometimes two different words mean the same thing! Take foerexample castrated and neutered. They mean the same fact when you look up the definition of neutered it says castrated....its something that happens a lot in the English language. Maybe some other day we will talk about how words that can mean different things, even though they are spelled exactly the same!! #gobacktogradeschoolandpayattentionthistime

Could just once, and I do mean once, the children listen to what the mother asks them to do and then do it? Today is Friday. Last Saturday I asked child number two to pick up the porch. On Monday I asked child number one to remove his suitcase from the living room. On Wednesday I asked child number two to fold the laundry and put it away. The porch is still a shit show, the suitcase technically has been removed from the living room, but is now in the dining room and the laundry pile has grown from manageable into looking like it's the back room of the Goodwill Store...

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