Monday, February 3, 2014

Me likey

I have decided that since I have fanfuckingtastic taste, I am going to share things I like with you on a semi regular basis, because I am certain you will like them too. I am going to call this semi-regular posting "It's the Shit" because if Barnyards contain one thing, it's shit...

ZZ Ward...she's "The Shit"

Now, I am kind of like that taste in music ranges from "you HAVE to hear this to PLEASE don't judge me" so..with that being said, this is the other artist I have been listening to a lot..(Keep in mind,  met these guys, they played at the Audubon FFA banquet, so it's like we are BFF's)

Home Free..They're "The Shit"

I am a domestic diva, or a half assed one anyway. I like to cook and decorate and own a glue gun..however I am about as organized as frat house keg party on a Monday night and I would rather have a Brazillian than clean so, take my domestic diva title with a grain of salt. BUT, if you are looking for a great blog that has REAL recipes that aren't too difficult and taste good and are sort of healthy (sometimes) check this gal out...Plus, she's from Iowa and she's partnered with the Iowa Food and Family Project to help show people where their food comes from and that is ALWAYS "The Shit"..

Iowa Girl Eats is "The Shit"

Coming off of a weekend in which all things Bacon were celebrated at the aptly named Baconfest, how can one not feature an homage to the greatest food on earth?

Bacon...It's "The Shit" (literally if you consume too much of it)

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