If you decide to follow this blog with any regularity, you will find that I will often have posts that are nothing more than random thoughts....it's like every once in a while my brain needs emptied of all the various shit rolling around in it. Things that I have opinions on or that I think about, yet don't require and entire post, thus the need for Blondie's Random BS.
I am addicted to the sell, swap and trade sites on Facebook. I have made many a purchase and sold numerous things as well, however, I am starting to get really tired of the posts people make and or comment on regarding housing. Here's the deal folks and I will only tell you this once...when you RENT housing, you are simply BORROWING the home, apartment, Duplex, what have you from the owner of said establishment. I don't give a rat's ass is your five dogs are house trained...they will still make a house smell like dog and there is still room for accidents. I know some 30-year olds who aren't 100% house-trained, there is no guarantee a four legged fur baby is either. Whining and crying that "bad pet owners make it impossible for the rest of us" is a crap argument. You want house pets, get your own home. The OWNER of the property doesn't want you turning the spare room into a litter box and that is his prerogative, seeing as how he paid the mortgage on the damned thing. (DISCLAIMER: I have pets, granted they are not indoor pets, but I am not anti-pet. I am anti people who want everyone else to change in order to fit their needs. You need a place to live, follow the rules of the person who owns the place...plain and simple.)
If you follow me on Pinterest, check out my "Shit I've Tried" board...there are brownies on there called Dang Good Brownies. I need to change the name to Fucking Amazing Brownies...they really are my new favorite and my new go to recipe. They have the perfect combination of chewy-gooey and cakiness....
Damn you auto correct....I want to spell cakiness, not caginess, stop changing it. Auto correct is one of those inventions I could have lived without. I attempted to type the word strange the other day, only my fat thumb must have moved and auto correct changed it to storage...without auto correct people would have understood completely what I meant when I typed strgne hairs versus storage hairs...
I know you are our sister publication and are simply sharing news, but really ANT, your "Friends who have Passed" postings on FB creep me out and are pretty morbid.
You can revoke my badass card anytime now...I recently added a Taylor Swift song and the new Justin Timberlake song to my Spotify...It does however, still play next to my extensive Johnny Cash list, my Nirvana and my penchant for 70's rock...
Brian Urlacher NOT in a Bears uniform will really make me sad...especially since I just got my new Urlacher jersey last fall...
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