Because this is the red headed step child of my newspaper column, in which I have said I will not discuss politics or religion or other incendiary topics, those things are free game here! So, lets talk politics, shall we?
I'm not going to sit here and say one party is superior to the other or call you out for voting the way you do or supporting this candidate over that, I am only going to speak of the trunks and asses (elephants and donkeys) as a whole. And as a whole, the system is broke as fuck....on all levels and here is why.
No one has balls. No one has the guts to make an unpopular decision or piss anyone off. They are too busy pandering to this lobbyist and that special interest group. They are too damned worried about getting re-elected and pointing fingers. They don't want to look at the big picture or use any common sense or logic. Its much easier to piss and moan and bitch and not get anything accomplished.
So, you know what I think should happen? Come Jan. 1 of each year, the budget is the ONLY thing that gets worked on and you have until the end of the month to get the budget passed. Come Jan. 31. if you haven't gotten that budget approved, you do not pass go you do not collect $200, your ass sits in those chambers until it gets passed. If you decide to leave, the rest of congress will take your absence as a vote of "whatever you guys decide is fine with me." There will be no hearings on newly appointed cabinet members or subcommittees proposing gun regulations, you pass the budget and that is it before moving on to ANYTHING else. The last time I checked, the Secretary of Defense doesn't have jackshit to do with passing the budget...pass a fucking budget. Oh and one more thing. Come Jan. 31, if that budget isn't passed, your pay is cut...if it takes you 10 more days to pass it, that is 10 less days of pay you get...
And while we are on the topic of budgets, here's how we get it under control or get spending in line. We take the top five "expenses" the government has, we ask the departments in charge of those expenses to cut 10%. We aren't going to tell you WHAT you have to cut or HOW you need to get to that 10%, we just ask that you get there. For example, if the USDA falls into that Top 5, then it is up to Tom Vilsack and his cronies to figure out where the 10% cuts come from...he is the head of the Department of Ag, he should have the best grasp as to where the pork is in his department. We ask the next five biggest expenses to cut 5% and so on and so forth....
Ok, so now that we have the budget passed and the spending cuts made, lets work on that pesky little thing called growing some fucking balls. I am the first to admit that yeah, being popular is a good thing, however, when you are elected, its not because you are the best looking or have the nicest house, it's because the voters feel you can make the best decision, even if its not the popular one. Too often, those we have elected make decisions based on feelings, rather than on what is best for the big picture. Do I mean that you have to be heartless to be a politician, oh hell no. What I am saying is keep your emotions in check when forming legislation. Here's an example, and feel free to fire away at me, after all, debate is a blood sport in my family and I will argue/preach and debate until I am blue, the majority of the gun control legislation that is being tossed around in the Senate right now wouldn't have done a damned thing to stop what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The guns used were purchased legally, by a person who would have passed any of the proposed control measures. The madman stole the guns from his mother. An assault rifle ban, pretty much meaningless as he would have just found and used more handguns...Clip restrictions. Have you ever changed a clip or seen a clip changed? It takes seconds. Yes, lives could have been saved in those seconds, but the fact of the matter is, that fucking whack job would have found a way to commit the violence he committed no matter how many regulations were in place, short of an all out firearms ban and that will never happen. I have a feeling our war on guns will be similar to the "War on Drugs" we have been waging since the Regan era...that's been a ROARING success now hasn't it?
Speaking of the war on drugs, I read an article today in the DM Register that a rodeo clown has been charged in federal court for growing marijuana...he faces a MANDATORY MINIMUM of 20 years...meanwhile the sick fuck who repeatedly RAPED his children while living in the back of an abandoned part of the mall, is eligible for parole after 35 years.....wake the fuck up government and get back on track, please?
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