Thursday, March 28, 2013

Knotty asshairs...

Sorry, you're getting a two-fer today...evidently my ass hairs are all knotted up!
I wonder why everyone has to be either liberal or conservative, right or left, red or blue....I am most definitely a healthy shade of purple and am completely fine with it. I am NOT completely fine with those who scream labels at me because I think one way or another.
I wonder how many of the people against same sex marriage secretly have stashes of porn heavily laden with girl-on-girl scenes...Why don't we keep the government out of our bedrooms?
I wonder how many of the psychos who committed mass shootings played Madden2012 on their PS3's and X-boxes? I have the "violent" video games in my home and a son who plays them. Hell, I bought them for him. We also bought him a shotgun...we also taught him the difference between right and wrong. We have taught him what reality is. We have been his parents, not his friends. We also make sure he doesn't stay in his room for hours on end playing violent video games or playing anything else for that matter. Random room checks and confiscations have also been known to's called being a parent. Why don't we all try that once?
There are far too many "squeaky wheels" that are attempting to speak for the rest of us these days. I think there are a TON of people who are somewhere in the middle on a lot of "issues" these days, we just don't want to scream out our opinion OR only part of our opinion will be listened to and we will be thrown into a labeled group.

If I were to say, I don't know where I stand on the two cases that include gay marriage rights that were put before the supreme court this week, I suspect a large majority would deem me homophobic...when that is not the case. I believe in equality. I believe that, yes, those protesting gay marriage will look very similar to those who protested civil rights cases in the 60's. I believe that its no ones business who or what I choose to share my life with, as long as my choice isn't hurting anyone else. But, I also think that in the two cases referenced, there is no right or wrong answer to how to deal with Prop 8 without trampling states rights. When it comes to the other case, I agree that the defendant should be afforded federal benefits and I think our tax code needs fixed, quite frankly, inheritance taxes are ridiculous. If gay marriages were recognized federally and in every state, the sun would still rise tomorrow.
If I were to say I don't support sweeping gun control, I would automatically be called a gun toting-right wing-fox news watching-heartless neanderthal who didn't feel a drop of emotion ofter Sandy Hook. That couldn't be father from the truth..I just don't think ANY of the gun control measures currently proposed will do a damned thing to prevent another school tragedy or mass shooting. Until we can figure out how to "fix" those who are so obviously broken, Sandy Hooks and Virginia Techs will continue to happen.
Just because I don't change my Facebook profile picture to support or defend your cause does not mean I don't support or defend the cause. It doesn't mean I don't care or are ambivalent.  It means I don't use Facebook to make a political statement. I use FB to post pictures of my kids, bitch about random things and creep on old high school and college classmates (yes Chrystal Hanrahan, this means you).

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